Microsoft Dynamics Virtual Office

Microsoft was rebranding their cloud and enterprise suite and came to us at H&P to explore some ideas. The concept below was called “Virtual Office”. It was an outside the box approach, a departure from traditional look and feel and our team had a lot of fun pushing the boundaries on this one. Although it did not make the cut in the end, the client was excited and intrigued by it and we made it though several rounds of exploration before the decision was made to go with a more conventional idea. Still, this has remained one of my favorite projects and I’ve held on to the concepts.


As part of our explorations, we dove into what the campaign could look like in display, social media and OOH channels. The ideas and work here are still rough and were in the early stages, but give a glimpse of how the campaign would have presented itself out in the world.


Display Concept

Social Media Concept


Out of Home Concept
