Evolved Brand Review

The following is a high-level brand review of select digital assets (web and social media), providing recommendations for improvement for Eating Evolved. The ideas below are conceptual and would not necessarily reflect fully developed creatives, instead should be used to illustrate how the implementation of certain best practices could enhance and improve online presence for the brand.


There are some key issues with the current website that should be addressed—these are outlined below:

images for text

Currently, the website employs a rotational carousel header with static images that include static (as opposed to live) text. This causes an issue with organic web search as Search Engines (ie: Google) cannot leverage the information in those images, therefore the brand is missing out on potential organic search traffic to the site.

Rotational Image Carousel

Website Image Carousels are conversion killers. They take up prime real estate on the website, but many studies and reports have found that they rarely offer much in return—the majority of users don’t use it and have become desensitized due to overuse of the feature by so many sites throughout the past decade. The result is that key information and calls-to-action at the prime area of the website are ignored.

Information overload

Upon landing on the current site, the user is greeted with images that extend wall-to-wall—there is no breathing room or negative space to allow the viewer to orient themselves or figure out what the site wants them to do. If the primary goal is conversion, make it simple, give an avenue to purchase upfront—everything else is secondary.

Font overload

There are up to five different font types in the header images currently displayed. As a best practice, varying font styles, sizes and faces should serve a purpose and indicate priority and hierarchy for site visitors.


Example Redesign


*Below the fold would be a great place to highlight recipe suggestions, social media posts and things of this nature.


Social Media

Skimming through Evolved’s social media I find some things I absolutely love, mixed with posts that are just not consistent with a successful and professional brand. There’s a bit of an identity crisis going on and the social media feed could benefit from a more consistent and strategic branding approach. Below are some recommendations for improvement.

Before we dive in, I want to address something we’ll see throughout. In thinking about how a post from Evolved showing up on a consumer’s feed could be instantly recognizable (aside from simply dropping a logo in every post, which isn’t a bad idea) including a unique brand element that users come to expect can improve recognition at quick glance. For this exploration, I’ve experimented with lines of text wrapping around elements within the image.

Pumpkin spice butter cup reveal


recipe post

Two social ideas for a recipe post: one leaning heavily on branding, the other with a more subtle approach but still incorporating the wrapped text.


Product Post



Showcase your products with high-quality photography and incorporate branding



Don’t use images you don’t own and are off-brand
Don’t cram too much information into a post image
Don’t use fonts that are off-brand
Don’t use images that look like they were shot on a flip phone

Chris Hoenigmann