Xbox PC Game Pass

My team at Haddad & Partners landed Xbox as a client in early 2022. This was our first project with the new team at Microsoft, promoting PC Game Pass and two new games that would be hitting the platform. There was a ton of work that went on behind the scenes to get to where we landed below—we needed to establish a visual system for our web banners that would serve us not only for this project, but for all projects moving forward.


As with all display campaigns, the initial concept is just the tip of the iceberg. Each piece of creative was formatted for various banner sizes and placements. Our team worked closely with Xbox’s brand team and ESRB compliance. All up, we created and delivered over 60 banners to be trafficked in just 2 months, establishing the Xbox PC Game Pass in the display marketing space. Below are some examples of the different sizes that each of our creatives were formatted to.


This is just the beginning—this project laid the groundwork for future campaigns and A/B testing strategies. Our team continues to work to develop and execute these strategies to support Xbox’s initiative to bring PC Game Pass to the masses!