Plant Parade NFT

Plant Parade was my first foray into the NFT world. I created all of the artwork and illustrations for the collection, which includes 5,000 unique NFTs. I did this by illustrating hundreds of different character attributes (eyes, mouths, plants, pots, etc) along with 25 background color variations which were then run through an auto-generation tool that mixed and matched the variables and produced the collection.

Character Attributes

As mentioned above, I created a ton of attributes to be run through the generator to create the collection—here’s a sample of how this was set up and organized:


Plant variables

Eye Variables

Decorative variables

Pot Variables

Mouth Variables

Ear Variables


Background Variables


Plain Gradient

Night Sky



The result is a quirky community of 5,000 plant characters (sample of six below). Each NFT has rarity scores for each of the attributes, so for example: 10% of the NFTs have the bone color pot, but only 1% have the fried chicken bucket. There are scores for the background, eyes, mouth, plants and so on. The rarer the NFT, the more valuable it could potentially be.

Plant Parade Website

The Plant Parade brand came together pretty organically. The color palette and brand personality were informed by the illustrations and attributes created for the NFT collection. Our bright orange to pink gradient pairs really nicely with the light blue—great for accessibility and really stands out.


Visit to see the full site


Sticker Packs

I love stickers and I love puns—these sticker packs were given out to NFT holders and contest winners.


Social Media Videos

Leading up to project launch, I created and set up some paid social media campaigns on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.

Launch Day


The Final Countdown


Pre- & Public-Sale Promo

